Band Gigs

Our second gig that never happened

We had to pull out of the gig which is described below. Tim and Vishad both had to go to uni on the date of the gig. Bummer.

"Our next gig is on 18th/19th April, hopefully. That's a Monday/Tuesday. All the band members will have to get back on the previous Friday to practice like mad for a few days - but it would be funny. The venue of he gig is at Habs Boys School in Elstree.

As the nature of the gig is more metally, the set list will probably include covers like Killing in the Name of, Smells like Teen Spirit, The Wickerman, and a couple more. The band don't have that much self-written fast rock stuff at the moment, so they might only play The Highwayman from their self-written list.

Ticket info will follow, when it becomes available."

Our first and only gig

We played our first (and only) gig at Powerleague in Mill Hill to a private party (i.e. our own party). It was late 2004. Since the audience was family orientated, we played a slowish set list, featuring Justice classics like Feelin Out Of Mood, Our Song, and some slow covers. The gig was recorded on digital camera, and didn't come out that well. Overall, it went pretty badly, but the band were encouraged by the fact that they managed to set up equipment. Guest live musician Jonny Webb.

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