Latest band news

Website updated and fixed

3rd March 2021: 16 years later, I have managed to fix the website.

Damnation of the Cage Demo CD released

1st Feb 2005: Finally - the Justice Demo, titled 'Damnation of the Cage' has been made available on CD. So far, there are only 20 copies in existence, but depending on interest, more could be made. Each band member has four copies each, so you can only get one by begging either Alex, Kris, Marc, Tim or Vishad. You can download the tracks on the demo from the main page, and burn them to CD.
Check out the Justice Artwork page to see the artwork (by Kris, Joe, and Matthew Ellis).

Where are the band?

16th Jan 2005: At the moment, the band is geographically split up, mostly beacuse of university. Vishad is in Nottingham, Tim is in Loughborough, Alex is in Bath, Kris is in Kent, Marc is in London, and Mikko is in Switzerland. It's not the best setup for a band trying to gel, but we are all individually learning various song covers, ready for when we reunite in April this year.

What's the plan now?

16th Jan 2005: The band's main plan is to build up a long list of covers that we can play, and to slowly learn more self-written songs.

Gigging isn't the main priority, but we'll play venues every once in a while to gain experience.

For info on upcoming gigs, go to the gig page.

Until April, each member of the band is going to write a few rock songs each. Hopefully, these songs will be played during the summer at various pub gigs.

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