Band Members page

What the band say about themselves/each other....


I am The Alman.
I bring to the group vocals, which have been tuned to perfection with the aid of a garden fork. I can't play anything, don't think I haven't tried either, but I can spell.
My CD collection brings shame to the band, incorporating UK hip hop (my favourite being Ty, Roots Manuva's new album is wickedey-bo), smoother things like Musiq (US soul) oh and Daft Punk they're near the pinnacle of bo. Tracy Chapman and Lionel Richie have a warm place in my heart.

With Justice, I'd like to record a track where I sound good. Sounds simple, but it's not that easy. Musically I'd move towards a funkier not rocky sound. I'm looking forward to the huskey song and this new material.
May you always catch the bus you run for.

What Marc says about Alex:
Energized hip hop rocker. Eyes pop out whenever he "raps". Gives it 237% in very practise and performance. Freestyling provides much amusement for other band members and all within a 2 mile radius. Funky bitch.

What Tim says about Alex:
he always comes back (unfortunately). a man wid such energy, passion and tunlessness. perfect for rock legendry status. his "MC-ing" critique is unrivaled. his improvisual genius is only truly tasted when you listen to him adlib during a routine practice. awesome. though the lyrics may not agree wid the common folk, at the end of practice, thers usually not a single dry seat in the room. (or any chocolate fingers for that matter!)

What Vishad says about Alex:
An amazing vocalist, with a lot of passion and originality (just listen to I Walk with can really hear the agony of the shin splints...)...good lyrical skills as well, as shown in Our Song and again an all round kool dude

What Kris says about Alex:
If you told Alex a year ago that he'd be turning up to band practice in jeans/hoody/rock shoes, having listened to Iron Maiden during the morning, he'd have probably slapped you. If you call him a rocker today though... he'll still slap you. Great singer, amazing energy.


I'm TJ. Im the biggest member of the band. I'm 19 (sadly nearer 20). I go to university in Loughborough where I do fuck all so, technically should be a rock god in my spare time. I sung in a chior for bout 8 years so singing tends to be pretty good as well as playing trumpet over the same period though no way near as good as Marc!!! I dabble on other instruments as well including piano, bass for few songs and I want to also be a drum legend (but that won't happen).

The majority of the stuff I write tends to be accoustic and "in the jazz club style". I love funky stuff but also have a subconscious desire to be a rock god, improving everyday! My favourite bands of the moment are very varied, from drum and bass oputfits like the propellar heads, to rock like the chillis and foos, to a little bit of iron maiden, metal from arch enemy...

Justice to me is becoming everything. After years of looking for something, I have finally found somethin I can be good at. I want greatness. I want admiration. I want to rock. I to wish to support firestorm at wembley stadium when they finally finish the fuckin place.

One day, everyone will know and love us. If not I shall bomb everyone!


What Marc says about Tim:
"The biggest man in the world" who plays and sings very kindly. Once he learns how to solo like a slut, will rock the world of rockingness. Annoyingly, claims little knowledge of music despite being rather knowledgeable on said subject. Total cunt, yet almighty dude. COCK HAT.

What Vishad says about Tim
Though he probably won't admit at the mo, he's one of the best guitarists and vocalists about...he taught me how to play Wonderwall, which I am really grateful for...his lyrical skills are second to none (wait until you hear some of his other stuff...), and an all round kool dude.

What Kris says about Tim
He recently discovered the joy of metal (thanks to Firestorm), but he's not only a metal head. He's got an acoustic streak to him. He has a great (and weird) sense of humour. I love it during band practice that when we are trying to write a slow mellow song, he'll suddenly burst into a funky James Brown riff, which sets us all off on a funky jam instead. Superb.


Vishy D here...won't bore you with personal stuff. I'm the rhythm guitarist in the band.

I tried to take keyboard lessons at school a while back... didn't get very far.

I taught myself guitar starting a year ago... in that I've learnt pretty much every Oasis track there is (chords only, solos still need doing).

I tend to write slower stuff (well, at the moment I'm taking Oasis tracks and changing the lyrics, but you know... there you go), but I aim to write more rockier stuff as I improve.

As you will have guessed, I am an ardent Oasis nut...I have met Guigsy (former bassist and all round legend) and my main inspirations are the Gallaghers (Liam and Noel for those that somehow don't know), simply for their confidence and obvious abilities...I do listen to (ocassionally) other stuff; Nirvana, Travis, RHCP.

Justice came about coz we didn't know just how could we all were as a band... hopefully, if we keep our minds at it, and maintain producing the good stuff we are at the mo and with a lil bit of luck, we'll go far, coz we have the players, the confidence and the songs.

What Marc says about Vishad:
In a word, Oasis. "Head down, rock on" should be his motto. Have never seen a wrist move down so many times in such a small space of time. Wonder how he became so good at that... Top bloke.

What Tim says about Vishad:
the phantom fingerer! the novice plucker! not a day passes widout a whispy dream of the oasis-esque stardom. if noel died tomoro, he wud return in the form of a miniture asian guitar meastro. in only a click of ur fingers, dosh has become an accomplished musician and the devil incarnate. welcome to the dark side... all right my friend!

What Kris says about Vishad:
I've known Vishy since the beginning of secondary school - he always came over as the cool quiet and zen one. Obviously a huge Oasis fan, he would probably rather we always play Oasis - but we will not let him.


I am Kris. I like to design websites, like this one.

I play drums and sax. I also use Audacity to mix our recordings.

I started playing jazz on the sax, until I was about 17, then I stopped playing it.

I never used to like music until I discovered rock. I started with Bon Jovi, went to Linkin Park, then to more extreme metal. I now love all metal. Black metal, death metal, heavy metal, symphonic metal, etc. Iron Maiden and Queen influence my song writing the most.

Justice is lovely, and we rock - slow and fast, forever. Did you know that ballads count as rock? That means that a ballad band can be counted as 'rockers'. That means We will always remain as rockers.

One day I want to play with Firestorm at Wembley Stadium. I see a pattern developing here.....

What Tim says about Kris:
boy o boy. hes weird, slightly challenged and has a mean ear for a thrash metal, double bass pedal death mix. his unusual abilities in the "grandfather" dance are second to none. wid a disgraceful talent for rocking and his hand wid a cock in hes a wizard wid the sticks of justice. hes the dude. the beat master bop. all hail the incredible princess of rock. dont mess, or hell unleash the best of iron maiden on you!

What Marc says about Kris:
Slag of the sticks and uses them to good effect. Double bass pedal work rocks when drunk/can be bothered. Lets me play drums occasionaly, very considerately, and slowly progressing on bass as I teach him.

What Vishad says about Kris:
Master of the drums and anything related with metal/rock (well, pretty much anyway)...chances are if we release anything that resembles metal, Kris will have been the driving force behind it...his technical skills on the computer (despite Cubase crashing all day)are amazing and again an all round kool dude


I'm Marc. I'm the youngest member of the band. I go to Habs and want to become a multi-billionaire. My main instrument is the trumpet, which I have been playing since I was 8. In Justice, I primarily play bass, but also play guitar and drums in certain songs and also do lead and backing vocals.
I like most kinds of rock including funk metal, heavy metal, soft rock and a bit of death metal. I'm also a bit of a jazzer, with my main influences being Miles Davis and Maynard Ferguson. Most of my songwriting ends up being funk metal for some reason. Favourite bands include Muse, RATM, Iron Maiden, Foo Fighters, Chilis and Audioslave. My inspiration for bass playing is Flea. If I ever become half as good as him, I will jizz on my bass. Repeatedly.
Justice rule the fucking world. Almost. But we will. With them, I want to achieve greatness. I want to have people who we don't personally know pay to come and watch us gig. And to support Firestorm. At wembley stadium. Just for jokes.

What tim says about Marc:
Merik da Bass...
bit of a slut when the occasion arises. his knowlegde of music is pretty high so i dont argue. hes a menace to society and overall a pretty satisfactory gimp. considering hes only been playing the bass for a coupla months hes alredy on the up (thanks to the involvement of michelle - my brothers bass!). generally hes annoying, confrontational and has a pea for a brain. however this essentially allows our humour to collide in monumental ways - such as the penis hat!

What Vishad says about Marc:
Marc aka Merik
A brilliant bassist who has the ability to rock like mad...his soloing on guitar as well is lovely, as his own work (i.e. Take) and again an all round kool dude

What Kris says about Marc:
Marcus "O'Rellius" knows what music he likes, and what he likes is good. Great on the bass and great at song writing. He is sometimes the old man of the band when he wears his slippers during practice.


I'm Mikko, the Finnish one. Like Kris, I'm a programmer and a webdesigner (that's also how I got to know to him).

Music has always been a part of my life, for the last eight or nine years I've been playing guitar, bass, drums, piano and a bunch of other (rather odd) instruments.

I would consider guitar to be my main instrument and it's also the instrument I know best. What drove me to playing lead guitar, was hearing Eric Clapton playing it. From his songs I learned my basics and even today you can hear a bunch of E.C signature licks in my solos. The artist that defines my playing, is not Clapton, though, but Jimi Hendrix, whose way of playing rythm and lead simultaneously is a goal for me that I never quite seem to be able to reach completely.

Needless to say (after mentioning the two artists above), my types of music are blues and rock.

Justice for me is a project. And it will continue being one till me and the rest of the band somehow manage to get onto the same island (UK) and actually play together. Until that happens, I think I'll just continue trying to provide quality lead tracks on already recorded songs, rather than bringing my own style of playing into the band.

What Kris says about Mikko:
I am the only Justice band member to have actually met Mikko in person, so I know how much Mikko rocks. He is a humorous man who spends twice as much time on his computer than I do on mine, so well done for that. Watching him at work doing solo guitar was pretty amazing, thank god he can use a cubase well, so he can send his solos over to England.

What Tim says about Mikko:
Pukka Mikko...
Hes the cunt who stole my job! legend. awesome soloing and hes a very nice boy. kindly player of sed guitar and shud prove a useful allie in the war against r'n'b repression! Fight on sister!

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